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Our collaboration is based on your specific needs and goals, and I will design a plan for working together drawing from the approaches described below.

Systemic theory examines your self in the context of the way you live and work. It’s about you, of course, but it’s centered on how you interact with your living and working environments. How do you react when you face a bully, or manage boundaries in your relationships? Can you recognize unhealthy relationships? How do you cope with change? How do you reckon with opposing ideas and beliefs? When you say you don’t feel you belong, do you realize you’re referencing an emotional place, even if it stems from an actual place? Instead of just running to keep up, can you also live with purpose? 

Spiritual psychology focuses more closely on the inner you. Along this path, we want to discover what affected you as you came of age and ask questions that explore the origins of your individuality. Our goal is to articulate the foundation of your identity, see your circumstances armed with new insights, to live and grow as a person true to yourself.

Equine therapy brings to life our collaboration. Horses mirror what’s going on inside you. They are extremely sensitive to your moods and sense of self, and they reflect your demeanor in their behavior. If they sense confidence, they will accept your guidance. If they sense insecurity, they will ignore you. If they sense happiness, they’ll show interest in you. If they sense your fear, they will be aloof. Much like our fellow humans do. 

Working with horses accelerates your evolution and healing by transforming self-discovery into action. Your challenge is to make contact with them, drawing on new approaches to promote interaction. This is why equine therapy is relevant. It will inspire you to rethink your old patterns in making or failing to take ownership of how you connect—with others, in your environments, and ultimately within yourself. 

The horse does not mask her observations or her intuition; she reveals. And if you are willing to take her reins, she will enhance your exploration of new paths - to self-esteem, to connection, to confidence, to unlocking your inherent strength. 

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Janelle Kevin

A little about me


I’m trained, educated and licensed in all the ways you would expect of a therapist, but my approach and experience come from some sources you wouldn’t expect. 

I’m also someone’s partner, someone’s parent, someone’s daughter, someone’s sibling, someone’s friend. Just like you. Our work together focuses on balancing the roles we play in our lives so that each part, each function, works in harmony with the others. We are not simple, we are dynamic. We are human beings aimed at living in ways that are true to ourselves, and if we’re healthy, we respond with passion to the demands of our responsibilities and the challenges of the day. 

I have a keen understanding of the unique demands and rewards of working in the technology industry. I’ve worked with the ravages of addition - to drugs, to alcohol, and to the internet. I’ve guided people who are struggling on the front lines of managing chronic and life-threatening illnesses, caring for aging parents. I’ve helped those confronting the disruptive issues of family life while steering them toward fulfillment when nothing seems certain. Our work together may be informed by theory, but it comes from a desire to help you to live true to yourself. My job is to help you identify your choices and approach, but you’re the power that creates change.

Together we will discover paths that will move you past the old and into the new. 


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